Sunday, February 20, 2011

The rich fool

Then he said, this is what I will do, I will take down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods and I will say to myself you have plenty of good things laid up for many years take life easy; eat, drink and be merry. But God said to him you fool this very night your life will be demanded from you, then who will get what you have prepared for yourself? Luke 12: 13 – 21

I learnt four lessons:

Never make yourself God
After accomplishing your goals and been successful through it, do not attribute the praise, glory to yourself, for God gives the power to achieve success and generate wealth. Always put God in the picture.

Do not store up treasure for only yourself
Your success and accomplishment are not for your consumption alone do not store up wealth and keep it for yourself only. God blessed you such that He can bless others through you. Ensure you are not a closed channel of God's blessings to others.

Wealth value has to keep increase
Wealth or money means the gifts and talents God has given you. You have to trade with it to acquire more else it will be taken away from you. Money/wealth has too keep increase else it will grow wings and fly away , you need to keep turning the wealth around to generate more so that others around you could be more blessed and it also shows you are more responsible of what is given to you (parable of the talents).

Wealth must be transferred
When wealth is not turned around, it spread it wings and fly away, the question is, where does it fly to? Or when a wealthy fellow dies, the robust estate is handed over to whom? This is a great mystery, which is explained in Eccl 2: 17 – 26, I compel you to read it with understanding.

If you feel you have accomplished all on earth and you want to retire to merry, then it’s best to leave this earth as God demanded from the rich fool.